THANK YOU2023-02-19T04:58:05+09:00

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Check your inbox in a few moments for your free guide. If it doesn’t show up, check your junk inbox.

Look out for another couple of emails over the next few days (with a little extra something from me in one of them).

After that, expect a Friday newsletter with a round-up of news, things I have found helpful on my own yoga journey, and a couple of anecdotes about something daft I have probably done during the week.

In the meantime…

For some extra resources that…

– go deeper into various aspects of yoga

– help you learn without stepping on a mat

– help you build strong and steady yoga foundations…

For more useful info on…

– how to set up and start your home yoga practice

– staying safe in your practice

– yoga beyond asana…

For helpful yoga tidbits that…

– bust common yoga myths –

– show you some behind-the-scenes-

– address FAQs like “How do I know if I’m doing it right?”…

Thank you! I’m looking forward to connecting with you!

New in the Blog…

A black circle outline with the initials E and S in the cente and the word YOGA underneath the initials but still within the circle. The left-hand side of the circle is bordered by a semi-circle outline, to represent the moon and the sun.

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