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After that, expect a Friday newsletter with a round-up of news, things I have found helpful on my own yoga journey, and a couple of anecdotes about something daft I have probably done during the week.
In the meantime…
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New in the Blog…
Kemetic Yoga Poses: Ancient Egyptian Yoga Poses
Originating from the ancient civilization of Kemet, today known [...]
Free Online Breathwork Sessions for Yoga Beginners
Breathwork enhances both emotional and physical well-being. By consciously [...]
Unlock the Mysteries of Yoga Nadis: Energy Channels
In the realm of yoga, an intriguing concept exists [...]
Harnessing the Power of Intention in Meditation
I discovered the power of intention in meditation when [...]
Yoga to Improve Balance: Poses for Your Equilibrium
Balance, both physical and mental, is a cornerstone of [...]
The Benefits of Stretching Toes Apart: Foot Freedom
I often find that the most straightforward practices have [...]
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